It's a new month, and time to set some new goals. I didn't quite make my May goals. Instead, I gave in to temptation and worked on new projects instead of the ones I was hoping to finish.
With that in mind, I have decided to set some weekly goals when I see myself getting behind. For some reason, if my deadline is close to when I set my goal, I seem to do better and meeting it. First on the list for this week is to finish off the second of the two washcloths I wanted to finish in May. I am half done with it, and set it aside to work on a sweater that wasn't even on my list. Next up will be to finish the Tofutsies socks. I was so close to finishing (only about an inch from the toe shaping) when I bought the bamboo yarn for a new sweater and got distracted. Also this week I want to finish a new sweater I started last night. It is knitting up very quickly so I don't see any problem accomplishing this.
Later in the month I am hoping to finish the Leg Cozies I wanted to finish last month. For some reason the lace pattern just lost it appeal and I set them aside. I'm not going to worry about these too much since Jenn says she won't use them til it gets chilly, but I don't like to leave projects to languish too long in the knitting bag. Also in June, I want to finish Intoxicating, which I started yesterday. It is knitting up quickly, like the one I want to finish this week, and I am in love with the yarn (photos of both sweaters later in the post). I am falling behind in the 52 Pair Plunge, but I'm sure I will catch up eventually. I am hoping to finish 3 new pair of socks this month.
This afternoon I put the finishing touches on the Tuxedo Collar Tank, which diverted me from my May goals. I really like this sweater. It knit up quickly using Tahki Cotton Classic, and the collar gives it an interesting look. I'll get a modeled photo tomorrow as I plan to wear it to work.

Pattern: Tuxedo Collar Tank
Yarn: Tahki Cotton Classic
Started: 5/15/2007
Finished: 6/3/2007
Actually finished in May are the Knee High to a Grasshopper socks from the Rockin Sock Club. I love the new yarn BMFA is carrying and plan to get some more. My feet do so love silk.

Pattern: Knee High to a Grasshopper, Rockin Sock Club
Yarn: Silkie Socks That Rock, Blue Moon Fiber Arts
Started: 4/29/2007
Finished: 5/27/2007
Last night I cast on for Intoxicating. The pattern is very intuitive so it's knitting up fairly quickly. I hope the back pattern is as easy to work. I love the colors and can't wait to get to the orange parts.

Speaking of orange, I decided to knit the Turtleneck Tube Vest from "Fitted Knits". Several other SAM knitalong members have knit this and I just love how theirs look, so jumped on the bandwagon. The pattern calls for wool, but this is too summery a sweater in my book to be wool, so I am attempting it in cotton. This yarn is part of the grab bag goodies I got from Webs a month or so ago. Although it didn't photograph well, it is a tweedy mixture of orange, white, and a taupe color. In my stash I have some Pakucho cotton that is very close to the taupe color in this and may make a shrug from the same book using that with some of the orange as trim. It will all depend on how this knits up in the cotton. I will soon know as this is almost knitting itself.