It's been awhile since I blogged. Quite awhile actually. I've been so busy with work that there have been days I get home so late all I do is eat, shower, and go to bed. Can you believe it? Delana not knitting!
No fears. There were a lot more days where I did do some knitting, but I just couldn't find time to blog about it. Every night I'd think "tomorrow I'll take some photos and blog", but it just never happened. Tonight I decided enough was enough and pulled out the camera.
Saturday I finished up the Meida's socks. The seasilk is so soft! I hope it holds up to many wearings.

Close up of the lace pattern. Again, I didn't get outside before it got too dark, so the colors aren't very true.

The Lauryn Waistcoat was off the needles 4/26, and I wore it to work today. There is no shaping whatsoever in this vest, but the stitch pattern and the drape of the yarn give the impression that there is a bit. I really like this and am glad I decided to give it a go despite the negative reviews I saw over the internet.

The third project finished during my nonblogging 3 weeks is the April Mid-Month Dishcloth. This is a great pattern for using up little odds and ends of leftover dishcloth cotton. I see more of these in my future.

I was browsing through some of my knitting books while doing some more decluttering of the craft room and ran across the log cabin knitting section in Mason Dixon Knitting. Back when I purchased the book I planned to use up my leftover sock yarn making a log cabin blanket, but just never got around to casting it on. Last weekend I remedied that. I bought myself a nice sized bin to throw all those odds and ends of sock yarn in and have it sitting next to my bed. Any time I need some mindless knitting I grab a ball and make another strip.

I've decided that I will make squares this size and sew them together when I have enough. Eventually the strips would take more yarn than I have to complete if I just kept going, and since the goal was to use up leftovers, I didn't want to get into a situation where I had to purchase more yarn just to get strips long enough.
Remember those Tantalizing socks I was making? Well, yesterday I was nearing the middle of the foot on the first one when I realized to my dismay that I was most certainly going to run out of yarn! Needless to say, the sock has been frogged and the yarn rewound into a cake ready to cast on a different pattern. One day I will buy enough yarn to make the Tantalizing socks, it just wasn't meant to be right now :0(
I mentioned that I had been busy at work. I've also been stressing a lot. Friday was the worst! I had to let someone go. It was really hard for me to do since this person was not just an employee. I also considered her my friend. I think it was the single most difficult thing I have ever done in my life. Afterwards, when my boss was talking to me about it, I got really upset and cried. That wasn't even the end of it. After I got home, I took a long hot shower and bawled the whole time. I don't ever want to go through something like that again. It was awful.
It was so awful, in fact, that I broke one of my resolutions. I caved and bought yarn! Paul didn't even say anything about it. He just drove me to the yarn store and let me shop to my heart's content.
I bought yarn to make several projects from the Summer 2008 issue of IK. There are quite a few I want to make, but I limited myself to cotton for the Tapestry Skirt, silk for the Roped Shell, and hemp for the Plaid Halter.
I cast on the Tapestry Skirt that afternoon while Paul and I watch movies and listened to the rain outside. I'm really liking the pattern so far and hope I don't lose interest and not get it finished in time to wear this year. This project is taking the place of the Tantalizing Socks in the weekly lineup, although I am keeping it nearby to work on if and when the mood strikes me.

The other projects I bought yarn for will have to wait until at least 2 WIPs have been completed before being cast on.
Tomorrow will bring photos of the Celtic Knotwork Fingerless Gloves cast on yesterday as my May Mitten/Glove a Month project.