I've been meaning to post for about 2 weeks now, so I have a LOT of photos built up.
Let's start with the hurricane force winds that Ohio endured Sunday evening. Paul and I were watching a football game when it started. We had to close the bedroom window because the winds were blowing things around! Then the lights went out. Uggggg no more football.
Paul had to go out back to try to secure our back porch awning. The wind ripped part of it off and it was flapping around making all kinds of noise. I was afraid a good gust would pull the whole thing off and it would go flying around the neighborhood and hit someone.
Next thing you know, crack CRACK BOOM BOOM. I ran to the front window and couldn't believe what I saw.

Look how close that limb (ummmmm that's the understatement of the year, both of them that fell were as big as some of the trees in our neighborhood) came to the cars. Both cars were brushed by the smaller limbs, but no real damage to either. The Caddy has a couple of scratches on the bumper that we feel pretty sure will buff out, and the Lincoln came out unscathed.

Here is a view from across the street which shows the size of these things a bit better. You can't even see our whole house or either car in this shot.

And my favorite shot of the size is Jenn goofing off. We have fantastic neighbors who went from house to house on the street. Those with chainsaws cut up the fallen trees, those without helped haul the cut pieces to the street. I consider myself very fortunate to live where I do. The city sent crews out to gather up everything that was piled up by the road ... high taxes come in handy at times like this.
Our electric was restored by 6AM Monday. There are still quite a few here in Central Ohio who are doing without power. Our office power was restored at some point last night and today was our first day this week in the office.
Now on to knitting/crochet projects. I've been inflicted with a horrible case of startitis this month, but I'm not doing a whole lot to get rid of it. I have a few goals to meet, and as long as my bright shiny new projects don't seem to be keeping me from attaining them, I plan to start whatever I feel like.
I discovered a great amigurumi designer about a week ago and ordered 2 of her patterns. Although this looks like nothing more than a black ball, it will soon be an adorable football player for Paul. I am doing him in the Atlanta Falcon colors, and will embellish him with Tommy Nobis' name and number.

One of the knitalongs in the Crochet on Ravelry group is the Turnberry Cardigan. I found some yarn in my stash (originally slated to become a skirt I have since lost interest in making) which worked up a great swatch, and will start on it in full earnest once the first of my September goals is met.

Speaking of the first of my September goals. It is now in sight and I am once again excitedly knitting away on the Lowry Pullover for my stepdad's birthday. My goal is to have it finished by 9/25, but it looks like I just might have it finished up this weekend. A few extra days off work did wonders for my progress!

Another newly started project is the Sweetie Pie Cami. Once again using stash yarn which had been sitting neglected in the craft room. It is working up quickly and should be done by month's end.

Yet another newly started project that worked up quickly is the Cable Car Hobo bag. It worked up so quickly in fact, that I never did get to post an in progress photo of it. I am inordinately pleased with the way this turned out. The embellishments on the straps are leather strap bracelets that I found at JoAnn's, and I bought some "charms" to add to them. I added a closure since I'm not so keen on having a purse that is so open all the time. It's not much, but the weight of the glass pendant bead is just enough to discourage someone from slipping their hand into it.

Yet more crochet. I've been on an amigurumi/toy kick lately. They are all so darn cute I just can't resist myself. Below is the first of a series of dragon projects you will see in my blog.

All my crochet projects are really helping to clear out the stash. Below is a project from Sensual Crochet ... the Rose Wrap Shell. The yarn coordinates with that I'm using for the Sweetie Pie Cami and hopefully the two will go well together. As long as I don't lose interest in the Shell weaving all those ends!

I had Paul get a photo of the Flickering Flames Skirt when I wore it to work. I really love this skirt and might make more lace skirts in the future.

As if I didn't have enough projects to keep me occupied, I fell in love with the Ravenna Satchel and bought yarn to make it. I can't wait until the Lowry Pullover is finished so I can really concentrate on this project. If you've never seen this bag, check it out at

I guess I've gone bag happy as well as crochet happy lately. Below is the only photo you're allowed to see at this point of the fabulous bag (even if I do say so myself) I made for the Great Knitted Purse Swap. I have photos to post once my partner receives her package. I just knew I was going to love this bag, so purchased yarn to make myself one too. Haven't gotten a photo of that yet, but will once I allow myself to cast on.

Poor little socks haven't gotten much attention yet, but they will soon. Only about an inch done on the Nutkin socks I am making for my mother's birthday. I'm hoping to have them done by 10/25 when we have a spa day planned.

And, last but not least, the Schoolhouse Dishcloth, which was the September Dishcloth KAL pattern.

I think that's it in the knitting bags beside my bed for now. And, if I'm lucky, I won't wait quite so long to post again. Organizing all those photos was a pain and took up too much precious crafting time this evening!!