I had all those nifty swap projects that I was waiting to post about after the partners received their packages. I took lots of photos. I boxed up the packages. I shipped them off to their recipients. I can't find most of the photos!!! I do have a couple, but I'm going to have to rely on my partners to send me photos so I can show them off :o(
Admidst all that swap crafting, I did manage to get some things finished for myself too. Today I whipped up a dragon bookmark since I met a couple of goals and the rest of the October goals are in sight.

I also finished up the first Dragon Scale Gauntlet. Still pretty sure I can finish the other before October ends.

Last night while watching the game, I finished the last of the Pond Turtle parts and got them sewed together. Paul is quite happy with it! I now have a pink one on the needles for myself.

Isn't he cute?

Sad news. I was so thrilled to have the Ravenna Satchel all knitted up. The felting didn't go so well. It's not bad, and I will finish the project probably as a gift for someone since there's really nothing horrible about it, but it's too small for what I wanted so I'm not happy with it. All the black pieces felted beautifully. The intarsia piece however, was doomed. First, it twisted up really tight in the center during felting. The ends felted, but the center stretched out and didn't felt at all. I untwisted it and sent it through again. It felted the second time in a big way. The worst part is the pillowcase I had it in came open during the spin cycle, and all the long hairy alpaca that shed came out and clogged up the washer. Poor Paul spent all day Saturday taking the machine apart and digging out crud that resembled dead guinnea pigs, then trying to put the washer back together again. I felt horrible for him.

I've since bought more yarn (sans any alpaca or fiber that will require a full blown haircut after felting and will threaten the washer again) and cast on again. I will have my full size Ravenna eventually.
While Paul slaved over the broken washer, I took my mother out for her birthday gift. A day at the spa! I booked us for facials, manicures, and pedicures. It was so much fun! Neither of us was thinking too clearly for the event however, since we both wore socks and closed shoes. Ummmm that doesn't work too well with freshly pedicured feet. After sitting with our feet and hands under the dryers for about 1/2 hour, we went off to lunch sporting those wonderful spa sandals that are more like black pieces of paper than footwear. Mine kept folding under my feet and I was walking funny. At least our nails dried enough for us to put on our own shoes before we hit the mall. All in all it was a great day!