It hasn't been for lack of progress, even though progress has been a bit slow these past couple of weeks. With Paul out of town, I got back into a computer game that he got bored with. It's been almost a year since I played Guild Wars and I missed my characters. I started a couple new ones too, but now I've got the itch to do some knitting again.
Flower Child is turning out to be a pretty quick knit .... when I actually knit on it that is. Three of the five front pieces is complete, and tonight I should finish the second of the five back pieces. Crazy to make a tshirt with 10 pieces eh? But I love the way it's turning out!

A fairly good closeup of what the center front will look like.

Not as much progress on Scheherazade, but there was a bit. Hopefully next time it's chosen by the spreadsheet I won't be distracted by a computer game!

I finally got around to taking a couple of photos of the buffet and china cabinet I brought back from my Gramma's house. It's a bit of a tight squeeze in the dining room now, but I really like them. We just need to get a new piece of glass for the china cabinet door. The tablecloth is one of the hand embroidered ones she made. Since I'm the only one with a big enough table to use them on, I brought them all back to my house and I love changing them each week. Woe to he who drips food on them and stains them, for he shall not live long!

I finished up my two felted projects during my blogging hiatus too. I think the Viktoria bag turned out really cute.

And, I'm loving my felted clog slippers. My daughter says they reminder her of Grinch shoes and they crack her up. I'm thinking that is a hint that she wants some. Maybe I'll get some neon green and orange and make her a pair for Christmas.

I didn't even let the spreadsheet choose a new project last week. Sad, since that should mean more progress on Scheherazade, but such is life. This week's project chosen is Mermaid 3. Let's hope I have more to show for this week's knitting than the past 2 weeks.