I finished the last of the 2010 Block a Month squares and have added a border to all the 6" squares. It will take another week or so to get the borders added to the 12" blocks, and then the seaming can commence.

Amanda and I got together again this weekend. This time with the hubsters. We had a great time. Lunch at an italian restaurant, then crafting at the bookstore. While there I spied Crochet on the Edge and I think I'm going to pick it up and find nice borders to add to my finished afghans.
Even though I didn't keep up with the 2010 group and made most of my blocks this month, I enjoyed making them so much I joined the 2008 and 2009 groups so I can make those afghans too. What is wrong with me?
Finished up a couple more squares for the Chain Reaction afghan this weekend too. I need to spend some time on this one in February. I have 9 more squares to finish up ... hopefully before the next Interweave Crochet hits the newstands.

I finally caved. Amanda mentioned the Babette Blanket one too many times and I couldn't resist anymore. I decided to try out Vanna's Choice yarn for this one, instead of the Simply Soft I usually use for afghans. It's not horrible, but I really do prefer the Simply Soft.
I made several of the 2 round squares before my better sense got hold of me, so I'll have to figure out which is which when it comes time to add them to the afghan. I wasn't thinking about the construction of this project when I started. Now I'm doing it the logical way. Make section 1 first (duh!). I now plan to seam the pieces together for each section and seam the sections together as they are complete. Will save lots of frustration later when I'm faced with a gazillion pieces to be sewn together.

Worked on Paul's gloves a bit this afternoon too. The pinkie finger is just about ready to be closed up. I need to put all these blankies aside and finish these up before it gets too warm to wear them.