I'm not sure how long I've been gone, but it was long enough that it took an extraordinarily long time to sort through my pictures and get them ready to post. I can't tell you how many progress shots I had of the Paisley Pumpkin table topper. So, what have I been doing instead of blogging? Well, crafting of course, and taking all kinds of progress photos of that crafting.
And, I've been playing quite a bit of Guild Wars 2 lately too. This character is currently one of my favorites to play. Lelia Salome is a human guardian. I didn't think I would like melee combat characters, but she is so much fun! Right now, she's only level 24, but I'm hoping to have her maxed out at 80 shortly. As you can see in the photo below, wildlife is drawn to her. The bunnies in particular like to scamper around her feet.

This one is going to sound like a really random and lame excuse for not blogging, but here goes. I bought the Naked Smoky eye palette. No, I haven't been doing my eye makeup over and over and over again, but I have gotten sucked into the ever expanding world of YouTube. It started as just a quick search to see what looks had been created with this palette, and has sadly ended with me adding 7 subscriptions. Sigh. One of them I adore. Macshadowcombos has a great series called Frugal Fridays where she shows looks created with, and reviews of drug store items. I never considered how many affordable products were dupes for high end items. Another one, who will remain unnamed and has since been deleted from my subscriptions, I don't care for. I admit I spent almost an hour watching a few of her videos because they were reviews of foundations and lipsticks for over 50's, and I was really excited to see someone of my age instead of a 20 something with perfect complexion giving a review. When I had finished watching, I was like, what the heck was that? She said she wanted her comparison to be fair so she started with a blank slate ... no primer or concealer/color corrector with the foundations, and no primer or balm with the lipsticks. Then she proceeded to hate on all of them. My over 50 lips are dry as all get out and have tons of fine lines. No lipstick is going to look good on me for more than 60 seconds if I don't first exfoliate, then add balm, and after that's set, use a primer and clear lip pencil. My over 50 face has super dry spots in some areas, enlarged pores in others, and has redness. No foundation is going to last and look good on me without using a good moisturizer at least 10 minutes before applying, using a bit of concealer/color corrector on my cheeks and around my nose, and using a primer to help minimize pores and fine lines. I knew nothing more after watching those videos than I knew before .... over 50 skin needs some help before makeup application.
Okay, enough of my excuses for not blogging, and on to the actual crafting content ...
I am 3 rows, long though they may be, from finishing a gift that I haven't posted on the blog. I'm not positive, but I think the recipient peeks in here from time to time and would know it was for her if she saw it. After it's been gifted I'll post a finished photo of it.
I haven't been working on the afghan for my niece lately, but once that other gift is done, I'll pull it back out and work on it.
I finished up the applique work on the Row by Row block. I haven't started another yet, but in the next week or so I most likely will. This is the 5th of 8 completed. I haven't been in any rush to get these done simply because I have so many other quilts that need to be done first, and I know once these blocks are complete, I'm going to want to finish the top and quilt it.
Three more Civil War Sampler blocks are done. I think I might be a block or two behind on this. Really need to get back to doing one per week.
The Paisley Pumpkin is done!! I really love it. I'll be using this fall leaf fabric to add borders and backing. I'm not positive yet how I'll quilt it. I don't want to stitch over any of the embroidery, so maybe just shadow quilt around it?
I also finished up the October monthly applique wall hanging. Yes, I know October is nearly half over, but I should have this quilted and ready to hang up for at least a week or so. I need to get started on the November one so it can hang all month.
A couple of weeks ago I started on a series of small monthly cross stitch designs. These will finish to about 3 1/2 x 3 1/2. I plan to frame them and display them on my sideboard using a small plate stand. These are nice to work on in the evenings, when I'm not feeling the knit/crochet bug, because they are worked on 14 count Aida so I don't need my Ott lamp and magnifier to see what I'm doing.
Well, that's all for today. Hopefully, I don't get lost in YouTube again. Wish me luck!!