Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mitten Maniac

That should be my new nickname :o) I think I have a different pair of mittens for every day of the week. And, of course, there are several more pair on my "I wanna knit that" list. Mittens and socks .... things I can never have enough of. I had hoped to have these done on Tuesday evening, but I got on a roll Sunday and Monday and wound up finishing them a tad early. They are now freshly washed, blocked, and ready to take to work with me tomorrow.

Pattern: Anemoi Mittens, Eunny Jang
Yarn: Elann Baby Cashmere
Started: 1/21/2007
Finished: 2/19/2007

You know those hourly goals I have to meet my daily goals to meet my monthly goals? Well, they are certainly coming in handy to use as justification for working on my 5th sweater for the Sweater A Month Knitalong before I'm done with the 4th.

I am going to have to move Paul's Sanquhar mittens to my March goals list as I am certainly going to run out of yarn and need to order some more. No way will the order be received in enough time to complete them by 2/28. So I am now left with the lace scarf and the *bonus* Cropped Lace Top. I've decided if I meet my daily goal of 10 repeats on the scarf, and my daily goal of 2 pattern repeats on the top, I can Mermaid to my heart's content for the rest of the evening.

Last night, the scarf had 80 repeats done of 110, and the top was through pattern C (still needs D and E to finish the front), so I was able to work on Mermaid for a bit. I made it through the first gusset before putting her away for the night.

A bit closer shot that shows the true colors.

I am really liking this pattern, and am not finding the instructions as confusing as some comments I've seen led me to believe they would be. I'm thinking instead of socks, my mother might get one of these this year for her birthday :o)


  1. OOOh, I promise I didn't look and I didn't see a single thing about my birthday. Nope. Not a thing.

  2. Your mittens are gorgeous. I was planning on doing them in some very similar colours. :-)

  3. Hey that was fun tonight. Lets do it again. Let us all know when you can knit.
    Aunt Gerry
