This week I finished up one pair of baby socks, and started a second. I had originally planned on finishing both pair last weekend, but another project drew my attention away from them. Eventually I'll make my way through all the leftover bits of sock yarn I have and my co-worker's baby will have toasty toes for quite some time. This pair marks pair 5 for the 52 Pair Plunge. I'm a bit behind schedule there, but do have 3 other pair on the needles right now in various stages of completion. If I focus a bit on these I should be back on schedule in no time.

I mentioned in my last post that I had gone in search of ribbon for the Elegant Ribbed Stockings. It didn't photograph really well (I'm sure if I whine enough about the photos, hubby will purchase a new digital camera!), but it's a yellow and green plaid and I am in love with it. I'm thinking a nice green vest over a yellow top will look cute with these. Maybe with walking shorts, maybe a skirt. Not sure yet.

I did manage a few rows on Mermaid 2. Not a lot of progress on this project, and I don't really expect much too soon. I'll keep plugging away at it a few rows at a time over the summer, and once Fall hits I'll work on it full force.

Most of my progress this week has been on the Surplice Lace Top. I've sewed in the second sleeve now and am just about halfway through the last piece to be knitted. Tomorrow night should bring the last of the seaming and weaving in of ends. Hopefully this will be ready to wear to dinner Saturday evening.

I'm getting another headache just seeing all the wonderful things you do. You go girl, I can always take meds.