A package was waiting for me yesterday when I got home from work. When I saw the return address, I just knew what was inside and immediately tore into it. Aren't these great! I love them .... thank you soooo much
bfmomma! These are going to come in so handy in my craft room once I start decluttering and organizing.
Now I'm really feeling guilty since I haven't gotten one nibble on my offer to
Pay It Forward. I might have take some creative license with the concept in order to not be the one to break the chain.

And look what else was in the box! Her daughter made me some stitch markers. Isn't that the sweetest? Tell her I said thank you. I'm sure these will be seen in photos of works in progress on the blog in short time.

There wasn't quite as much knitting done last week as I thought there would be what with Paul being out of town. My neck has been bothering me again so I didn't push it too much.
I did get one of the Solstice Slip socks done, and am 1/2 way through the foot of the second. Should be able to get these finished up this weekend.

Last night I pulled out one of the gift projects I need to get finished up in September. Don't need to worry too much about posting photos here, since I'm 99% sure the recipient spends zero time on the computer. Yep, it's another pair of monstrous mutant mansocks. This time in a fair isle pattern of my own design. Sure hope these turn out as great as I planned.

I also did a few more inches of the Double Eyelet sock. Since these are for me, I'm not too worried about getting them done quickly.

And, last but not least .... Mystery Solved!! I finally finished the last clue of Mystery Stole 3 and did the blocking last night. Ignore the mess surrounding the poor thing. The only place I have that has enough room and enough light for the photo was my horribly cluttered and disorganized craft room.

Unless I get so close you can't see but a few inches of the stole you can't see the beads, but take it on faith that they do show up and sparkle quite nicely when the light hits them.

Ooooh look! I didn't even realize my toes were in this photo until I uploaded it to the blog LOL. Drats, should have painted the toenails last night!

I chose to block the "wing" section into points as that seemed appropriate to the feather pattern. Can't wait for fall to get here now so I can wear it out.