It's getting out of hand, and has to stop. I've decided that August will be the month I get back on track and make the most of my knitting time again. First on my list of "need to get done" is the Mystery Stole. Each Friday when I get the new clue, I will knit on the stole until it is complete. With that in mind, I pulled out clue 4 and got busy. I finished up the final row of the clue last night.

Next on the list for August is to complete Tailored Scallops. I am at the cap shaping on the second sleeve now and hope to have it finished tonight. Tomorrow night will be the blocking and seaming. No photo tonight since it's just more of the same that's been shown already.
After Tailored Scallops is complete, I will concentrate on the Clementine Shawlette for my MIL. I really should work on something that's been languishing, but this is a gift and hence is an exception to my self imposed first on the needles, first off the needles rule of thumb. I did work on it a bit over the weekend and finished chart B.
Also for August, I need to start getting caught up on the Monthly Dishcloth KAL projects. I ignored them most of the year so have quite a few to knit to get caught up. Along with completing the current month's dishcloths I'd like to complete at least 2 of the ones I skipped earlier in the year.
I haven't decided yet which order the socks will be completed in, but I do need to finish at least 3 pair by month's end. If I don't I doubt I will ever get caught up for the 52 Pair Plunge.
That's a lot of knitting folks ....... wish me luck!!
Almost anyone else in blogland - I'd say this is too much for one person, but I have a feeling that you just might pull it off! Good luck and get to knitting. lol.