Awwwww look at the adorable Saartje's Booties. Aren't these about the most adorable baby girl booties you've ever seen? My co-worker told me that the only socks that fit her daughter are the ones I made for her. I was "awwwwww"ed into making more lol.
Awwwww look at the new pair of booties on the needles. I sure hope I get them knit quick enough to fit Ailsa.
Enough awready *snort*. Onto our regular adult knitting content.
The first OSU sock should be off the needles tomorrow. Just have to do the toe.

Can't say I'm keeping up with my goals for the Mermaid jacket. I was hoping to have this sleeve done by tomorrow evening, but there's too much to do on it yet. Should have it finished this weekend though. Lots of knitting time on Sunday with football on the television.
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