With that in mind, I buckled down and finished up all the pieces of the Amigurumi Turtle, which Paul has affectionately named Snappy Tom, and sewed them all together. Although this photo looks pretty good, I am planning on redoing the eyes and embroidery on the face. You can't tell at this angle, but poor Snappy Tom has a definite vision problem. If it weren't for his shell, he could be mistaken for a chameleon. I'll take a few more photos once I do some serious work on his facial features.

In order to get the WIP situation under control, I obviously need to do some actual knitting on some of them, and quit setting them aside when a new project takes my fancy. Unfortunately, some of these WIPs have lost their appeal entirely for me.
One such project is the Double Eyelet socks. Socks in general have lost their appeal to be quite honest. The 52PP kinda killed the magic. Instead of forcing myself to work on a project I'm not feeling the love for until it's complete, I'm breaking it down into manageable bits. Two repeats a day on this is making progress, and the charm is starting to return I might add. I should be able to put the finishing touches on the first sock this week, and have the pair done mid November at the latest. (12 WIP to go)

Another project that has lost it's magic is the Everlasting Bagstopper. Again, 2 repeats a day will have this finished up by next weekend. (11 WIP to go)

I'm seeing a trend here with patterns that have a never ending repeat of 4 rows or so as the ones I lose interest in. The Clementine Shawlette is one such pattern. I'm just glad that I decided to knit both pieces at once or this might never get done. Once again, 2 repeats is the extent to which I can work on this project before my mind starts to wander or I get the urge to go do laundry or scrub a floor. You know a project has lost it's appeal when housework draws you away from your knitting and you feel relief. This WIP is much closer to being done than it looks and I believe I can have it finished up next weekend. (10 WIP to go)

Although I didn't take a new photo (since it looks almost exactly like the last one I took), I've been doing a few rows a day on the Asymetrical Alpaca Jacket I started about this time last year. It will be awhile before it's at the top of the WIP list, but at least there's some progress.
Even with all the 2 repeats here, 2 repeats there, on other WIP, I have managed to stick with my daily quota of one background color on the Mary Tudor cardigan.

Since I know that there is no way I will be able to finish all my current WIPs before giving in to the urge to cast on one of the multitude of projects I have waiting in the wings, I am not going to even attempt it. I will instead work towards decreasing the WIP count steadily and cast on selectively.
Worrying over my WIPs always makes me want to retreat to the solace only casting on a new project can provide, so yesterday I didn't deny myself and cast on for the Fyne Vest I bought yarn for a couple weeks ago. I only worked on it for long enough to take the edge off before going back to completing my daily WIP goals.

The next batch of WIPs to receive attention will be:
- Stansfield 27 Socks
- Leg Cozies
- Lace Knee Highs
And next up on the cast-on list are:
- December Lights Tam
- Braided Cable glove with fur trim
- Russian Coat
Wish me luck!!