I've pulled out the Clementine Shawlette recently too and am doing a bit of work on it each night. My MIL mentioned again to Paul that she'd love to have something to keep her shoulders warm. I really want to get this done soon since the weather is finally turning cool.

The Mary Tudor cardigan is now in progress. I thought I'd never get done with the border. Can I just say that garter stitch in the round in fair isle sucks! It might not be so bad if I learned how to purl continental, but I haven't had the discipline to learn that yet. If I complete one section of background color each day, I should be able to complete this cardigan by the first of February.

And, because I forgot to post this last week, and was asked to do so .....
here's a photo of the front of Knitfitt's nonmitts. I love the lace pattern and the little flair the picot hem gave the cuff.

Just in case anyone has wondered if Doppler the weather radar dog is neglected with all the knitting I do, just take a look at how he spent his Monday evening! Looks pretty comfy doesn't he?

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