I buckled down and finished up the Double Eyelet Socks. I really like the way the pattern worked up, and I've fallen in love with the yarn (Cherry Tree Hill Supersock Merino).

Next, I pulled out the Stansfield 27 socks and finished up the first one. I had to use some Knit Picks Palette in brown from my stash to do the ribbing. You'd think by know I'd know that I need just a bit more than a skein to do monstrous mutant mansocks with Trekking XXL, but obviously I didn't learn my lesson with the first 2 pair I made. I've got the second sock started and am hoping to have it finished up this weekend.

Saturday I finished up the Christmas colored December Lights Tam. Now I can't wait for it to get cold so I can wear it.

Last night I pulled out the discarded original December Lights Tam and put it back on the needles. As you can see, the colors chosen for this tam, although they all looked great side by side in my LYS, obscure the pattern in some spots. I'm not going to worry about that since I really like the colors. Besides, this way it won't look so much like I made 2 tams the same. I'll start working on this after I finish this post and hope to complete it tonight during the football game.

Even with all this other knitting, I am still doing pretty good keeping to a daily quota of completing one background color per day on the Mary Tudor cardigan. I should hit the armhole steeks by next week. At this rate I should finish this up well before my original estimation on February.

I've also continued working, although slowly, on the Fyne vest. I love the yarn I chose, Grignasco Tango, and will probably use it again in the future. Once the Stansfield socks are complete, this project will take on a higher priority.

And, since you all know I'm hopeless and simply cannot help myself, I will confess that yesterday I cast on yet another project! This is the Russian Coat from Vogue Knitting Holiday 2007. I'm really impressed with the softness of the yarn for this pattern, Berroco's Peruvia and Jasper, and am enchanted with the striping of the Jasper. I'm hoping to work on this quite a bit next week over the Thanksgiving holiday. Paul and I are driving to Atlanta next Wednesday, so I'll have a lot of car knitting time. We'll be spending Thanksgiving with Paul's brother and his family. And, best of all, Paul got us tickets to the Colts-Falcons game on Thanksgiving night!!

Hopefully I'll get a couple more posts in before we leave next week with lots of progress and finished projects!
Nothing is as good as having hand knitted stuff, I have one hand knitted sweater with me gifted by my friend's grandmother and I simple love it and found it much better than ready to made sweaters.