I finished the second sleeve on Solo on Saturday and sewed it in on Sunday. I got several nice comments on it when I wore it to work on Monday. The colors seem to be what catches the eye. I really wish this photographed nicer than it does. You can really see the pinstripe effect quite well in person.
My only complaint would be that the front points want to flip out. I'm considering getting some frog closures for this. Or, maybe just use some hook and eye closures to help it stay closed when worn. Not sure yet.

I also finished up the first of the Flying Carpet Socks on Saturday night. I'll need to take a photo using a blocker to show the lace. It doesn't show up well unless stretched out in this yarn.

As soon as I finished weaving in the final end on Solo, I opened up the WIP spreadsheet to see what my next main project would be. It turned out to be one of the almost, but not quite, finished items on the list. The bellydance halter I crocheted was the winner. There isn't any knit/crochet work still needed, but it does need the beaded fringe I was planning to add. Since I didn't have any other projects that I was itching to work on at the time, I decided to let the spreadsheet pick out the 2 companion projects also.
The first of those is Yesterday Once More, the crocheted jacket/skirt outfit I started in late summer last year. I brought that project up from the craft room to work on since I haven't had the time yet to devote to beading.

The jacket is now about 1/2 done. I'm a bit concerned about the size. Although I am getting gauge (using a hook about 5 sizes bigger than that called for-no clue how someone got this gauge using a size 8), it seems a bit on the small side lengthwise. I've decided that since it seems like the width will be fine, and it will get a pleated border at the bottom, I should be able to just add rows to that to lengthen the jacket if it is needed.
I haven't yet brought up the second project that was chosen. Mermaid 3 gets the honors. I'm a bit tired of the garter stitch stripes, so this one may languish for awhile, but hopefully not too long.