Paul: I'll take a half dozen of your dark chocolate covered pretzels.
Girl behind counter: They only come individually.
Paul: Um ok, then I'll take six.
LOL, what's with people these days?
I haven't been feeling great lately, and insomnia has set in. I hate when this happens. I lay awake almost all night, then crash hard just before dawn. I'm super tired tonight, so I'm hoping to get back into the habit of actually sleeping at night.
I did manage to get out Saturday night for dinner though. We went to a Turkish restaurant I had heard about that has a bellydancer on Friday and Saturday nights. Isn't she cute? She did some really neat moves with those candles balanced on her head.

I got quite a bit of knitting done this week. The first of the Flying Carpet Socks is half done. I should be done with the lace repeats on the leg tonight, and be ready to do the cuff.

I got the first of the sleeves for Solo finished and sewed all the seams. The second sleeve is cast on and is about a quarter done. With luck, this jacket will be finished this week. Of course I said that a couple weeks ago didn't I?

I really like the way this is turning out and think it will get a lot of wear once finished.
I've also been doing some emergency alteration knitting. The sweater I made my stepdad for his birthday wasn't fitting quite right and needed a bit of attention. I had to buy more yarn and pray that the dye lots weren't too far off. It looks like it will work out ok, but if it's off too much I have a plan that should hopefully turn out not too bad. Ron wanted the ribbing to be a bit tighter, so I had to alter the pattern some. I've got the new ribbing knit, and I've cut off the old ribbing and picked up stitches so I can graft the new ribbing on. If the dye lots are enough different, I will need to knit new ribbing for the sleeve cuffs. The neckline was a bit too wide for him too, so I will knit that again using the new yarn. I'm hoping to have this done this week too, so he can hopefully get to wear it this year before it gets too warm.
Love your Solo jacket. Great two color combination. Like the shape.