I'm really liking the Bacchus socks and can't wait til the baby blanket is done so I can devote more time to them. Should be turning the heel of the first one next weekend if all goes as planned.

I'm hoping the bobbles on the foot aren't uncomfortable inside shoes.

The Orchid Top should be complete pretty soon too. A few more rows on the body, a bit of lengthening of the sleeves, and the border is all that is left.

Even though I have quite a few projects in progress, I decided to start a new one this weekend. This is the beginnings of the Apres Surf Hoodie from Interweave Knits Summer 2008. I am using lavender Lyndon Hill cotton/silk that has been in my stash for over a year. Really like working on this so far.

Another new project started is a block a month afghan crochet along I joined on Ravelry. Below is the 12" square for January. I'll be using this as a destash project to use up a bunch of Patons Classic Wool I have.

I've finished four of the blocks for the Yarn Forward Mystery Blanket I started last summer. Haven't done much work on it lately, but maybe that project will come out of hibernation once the baby blanket is finished.

Lastly, I finished up the first dishcloth knitalong projects for 2010.

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