I've become completely obsessed with the sock yarn blanket. I have to force myself to put it away and work on other more pressing projects. I added my first large square last night. Lots of ends in this project too, but I've been weaving them in every so often on this one, so it's not as out of control as the skirt.

It's 14 squares wide, which so far seems to be a good width. I have a lot (read several baskets full) of sock yarn scraps, so this will keep me busy for some time to come.

I dug around in the stash and found yarn appropriate for the new glove pattern Paul picked out. Paul approved of the colors so I worked on the cuff of one when he was out of town. Texted him a photo of it to make sure he still liked it, and once he agreed that he did indeed still like the colors and pattern, I got down to business. Last night I finished the first glove to the point where the fingers will be added. Today I finished the second to the same point. Adding fingers to gloves is not my favorite thing to do, so work will slow on these now. I am hoping to add one finger every day and have these done in another week or so.

Did a bit of crochet this week too. Finished section 3 of the Babette blanket and got it seamed to the main piece. I've also finished a few of the pieces for section 4 and hope to have that finished up and added to the main piece next week.

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