Friday, January 17, 2014


I've just made myself a nice hot cup of echinacea tea.  Because, you know, I've got this cold, and echinacea is good for that.  And because, you know, I'm irritated, and hot tea is good for that.

I got up this morning in a really good mood, with a plan of action to put ... well, into action.  I had my morning coffee while getting two packages ready to go to the post office.  Then I got myself ready to go.  Bundled up into boots, coat, scarf, mittens.  Grabbed my purse, keys, and the two packages, and went to the car.  Car won't start!  Again!  Stupid cold Wisconsin weather!  This is the second time in as many weeks that my battery has been dead, I'm assuming due to the cold temperatures and the fact that since I'm not working outside the home, it doesn't get run as much as it used to.  But I was out yesterday, and it started fine and ran fine.  Grrrrr there go my plans.  I was so looking forward to getting these packages in the mail so I didn't have to worry about them anymore.  Then I was going to listen to an audio book on the drive to the mall, where I was going to shop at Barnes & Noble to use my 20% coupon; Victoria's Secret to use my $15 reward card; Sears to use my $16 in rewards that expire at the end of January; and Teavana because I love their teas.  On the way home, I was planning to stop at the grocery to get what we need for the next several days.  Then I was looking forward to a weekend filled with crafty goodness without having to worry about running any errands.  Grrrrrrr.  Oh well, the best laid plans I guess.  Hot tea, work your magic.

Paul has offered to do a post office run for me when he's home for lunch, and he said he's going to just replace the car battery tomorrow, so I should be able to do the mall shopping on Sunday.

I did spend quite a bit of time on the Mystery Mittens over the past couple of days.  I have the first one completed, with the exception of the thumb, which I believe is the final clue.

And I've gotten a goodly portion of the second mitten completed.  I'll get this caught up today so it's ready for the next clue, expected on Tuesday I think.  Can't tell yet from these photos, but the second mitten shows a boy and tree on the front, and a wheelchair (?) on the back.  I haven't finished the book, and really don't know the story, so I'm guessing that's a wheelchair.  Sure looks like one to me on the chart anyway.  Being stuck at home today will give me the chance to finish this chart and add the band of roses to this mitten.

I haven't been working on the Ann Marie Stockings much at all, and I'm making peace with the fact they probably won't be done in January.  As is usually the case with me, I set my goals too high and they will only be achievable if I quit sleeping, eating, and you know, doing anything that takes any time away from knitting.  I'll try to do better on my goals for February.

In the meantime, I pulled out Skip and worked on him some last night.  He's such fun to work on and his personality is starting to come out.  There should be no problems getting him completed in January so I will have an "A" project done for the Stash Down group.

I love Skip's fingers!  Aren't they adorable?  If you look very closely in the photo, you can just barely see the threads that make him a marionette.  These get attached as you go, with buttons on the inside of the doll, to help alleviate any extra stress on any single stitch that the strings might cause.  Once he's complete, I'll need to find some kind of stand or gizmo to hang him from.

I should spend more time making dolls .... working on them is such fun, and is calming to the spirit.

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