Wednesday, February 26, 2014

No Willpower

Last night I finished the leaves on the second mitten while watching the last two episodes of Downton Abbey Season 4.  This season ended on a much better note than last, but poor Edith!

I'm hoping to have the mittens finished today, and might set aside my afternoon stitching to knit instead.  I won't have much time for stitching anyway since I need to go to the grocery.  I should have gone yesterday.  It's so cold today even though the sun is shining brightly.  Oh well, that's what happens when I choose crafting over errands.

A bit more progress made on the ornament.  It's slow going though, I must say.  At the rate this is going, I might have that tatted hankie done before these are finished.  Once the mittens are done, I may stitch on these in the evenings too to get them finished quicker.

I have no willpower, sigh.  I've decided not to wait until these are done to start the sampler though.  3 blocks have been released already and another one will be released every 2 weeks.  I figure I will have plenty of time to work on other stitching projects between releases, and I don't want to get so far behind that I'll never catch up.  I am going to dig around in my stash tomorrow for supplies for this project and will start it on Friday.

And, as always, there's a puff for today.

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