Thursday, March 13, 2014

Butterflies and Bees

Yesterday I completed 3 duplicate stitch puffs.  There's a super long thread over at the Tiny Owl Knits group on Ravelry dedicated to patterns for these, and ideas for stuffing, sewing together the quilt, etc.  I'll be taking advantage of the duplicate stitch patterns on that thread.  I have 3 more patterns lined up for today.  I'm thinking if I do enough of these, I won't have to purchase any more yarn for the blanket like I thought I was going to have to.  I have plenty of this Palette yarn to make dozens upon dozens of puffs.

Getting close to finishing that first Chrysanthemum mitten.  If I get my puffs done early enough today, I might get this one finished tonight.  If not, tomorrow it is.  I'd like to have done, including the thumb, this weekend, so I have plenty of time to finish the second one before the month is done.

 I had 2 other projects lined up for March, but I'm not sure I'll get them done.  I will start on the Cat Cocoon this weekend though, because I really want to make that for Digit.  The other project, Crochet Spring Bunny, will probably be held over until April.  I have mittens that I want to make next month too, but I think I'm going to dub April "Doll Month" and concentrate of completing several knit/crochet dolls that are either already in works, or lined up in the queue.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the duplicate stitch puffs. Those will really add a fun element to your blanket. Sort of like the I spy quilts for children. How fun would it be to sit and find the little creatures in the Puffs. Brilliant!!!
