Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Waffles ... but where's the chicken?

I've been working almost exclusively on the Mermaid jacket in the evenings while watching the boob tube.  The first sleeve is finished, and the second is just over half done.  I see an end in sight!  Of course, now all my cross stitch projects are languishing, but I'm sure I'll get the stitchy bug back when this jacket is finally a FO.

I finally ordered the supplies I needed to do a weaving project.  The heddle and extra shuttle I needed are shipping today, and hopefully the yarn will ship in the next day or two.  I'm really excited about this project.  This will be the first thing I have had on the loom where I have to read a draft and follow a pattern.  I've been doing fine all these years just warping how I see fit and doing plain weave.  I'll be making the waffle weave kitchen towels pictured below.  I have blue, green, yellow, and orange yarn coming in.  I wasn't sure which combo I wanted, but this way I can make several matching sets.

Depending on how this goes, I may try a 4 shaft pattern next.  I'll need to get heddle blocks and extra heddles for that, but it will be fun to see what I can do with my rigid heddle loom.

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