Yesterday afternoon, I spent some time working on another Row by Row kit. The finishing details and machine stitching on the applique are all that's left on this one. Hopefully I'll have some time to spend in the sewing room this weekend to get it completed.
There's also a Civil War Sampler block down there about half finished. I haven't been spending as much time down there lately. It's not that I'm disenchanted with quilting, it's that when I work on these I wind up spending money. Lots of money on new projects to start. And, I neglect all the other projects that are in the works.
I spent quite a bit of time yesterday working on the paisley pumpkin, and it's just shy of the half-way point in completion. I plan to work on this almost exclusively this weekend.
Another project getting some attention now is the afghan I'm making for my niece. I have several projects on my WIP list that are gifts, and I'd like to get them done soon. This one will move to the top of the priority list once the paisley pumpkin is finished.
The pumpkin is looking great! So elegant. The Afghan is going to be beautiful!