I finally have a photo of the finished Clementine Shawlette that I made for my MIL's birthday. I think she wore it every day we were there.

During the drive to Texas (yes, we're crazy and drove from Columbus, OH to Dallas, TX), I finished up Megan's Mitts. I sent them home with her Dad, who was visiting too. Should hear soon if the kids like their handknitted gifts. It's a good thing I'm giving up on that not casting on thing, since now I am itching to cast on a pair of these, complete with fingers, for myself.

Sitting in the hotel during the evenings, I finished up the knitting of the Fyne vest, with the exception of the armbands and collar. I didn't knit this flat like the pattern stated. Instead I knit it entirely in the round, adding steeks for the v-neck and armholes. Since this yarn wasn't really made for steeking, I had to wait until I got back home to sew and cut my steeks. Wore it to work today, and got some nice compliments on it.

Of course, I had to buy some yarn while there so I could make a little something for Paul and I to remember our trip. For myself I chose some scrumptious angora yarn to make the girliest mittens I have ever seen in m life. I've finished the first and should finish the second in a couple of days. These photos don't show the halo on these things very well, but I will get a shot of that once they are complete.

Paul chose to have a hat made just like the one I made Brian. I was amazed when he brought over a skein of Tonalita and told me he wanted his hat made of those colors. I think he's a secret fiber enthusiast, since that's the yarn I used to make Brian's hat. He did choose some nice colors though, no?

The new project I decided to start on the trip was a pair of gloves (which was abandoned as soon as I got that angora on the needles!). I'm hoping to have this first glove done this weekend, and perhaps I can get the second done by next weekend. Not sure though, since I'm not taking any time off work for the holidays this year.
I picked up some Rowan Tapestry about a week before we left with the intention of knitting a great tam designed by a Ravelry acquaintance. It doesn't look like much now, but I think these colors are really going to be beautiful in this pattern. A couple more knitting sessions and we shall see.

I have a couple more photos on the other camera, but the batteries died so I can't download them tonight. Those should be posted tomorrow, and I'll give a few more details about the trip and my next probably impossible goal regarding knitting.