I finally pulled Mermaid out of the bottom of the knitting bag and finished the body piece. It was not the chore I kept imagining it would be, so I'm hoping that once I cast on the sleeves progress will continue at the rate it was about a month ago. I haven't seamed up the collar or shoulders yet, but this is basically what she will look like. I am so happy with the colors I chose. This will be a staple piece of my wardrobe next winter.

Yesterday I did the final few rounds on the ribbing of the second Hidden Passion sock. Finishing these keeps me right on track with the 52 Pair Plunge. Three complete pair of socks in three weeks. I hope I can keep up the pace :o)

Pattern: Hidden Passion, Favorite Socks
Yarn: Cider Moon Haiku
Started: 3/22/2007
Finished: 4/21/2007
As I thought, I was able to finish all but weaving in the few final ends on the V-Neck Tank. After showing her to some fellow knitters yesterday I've decided that I will, in fact, try to wear her to work. If I get strange looks I'll know she is a bit too loud for the workplace and only wear her during non-work hours.

Pattern: V-Neck Cotton Top, Nashua Handknits North American Designer Collection No. 4
Yarn: Mondial Lucente
Started: 4/6/2007
Finished: 4/20/2007
I couldn't decide which pair of socks to knit next, so I quit struggling with temptation and just cast on both pairs. As long as both are complete in 2 weeks I will call the experiment a success.
Even though they are knee high and made of 100% wool, I've been dying to make the Elegant Rib Socks from Favorite Socks. I am using the called for Heilo and will purchase ribbon to wear them like they are modeled in the book. These, of course, will sit in the sock drawer until fall, when it is cool enough to wear them.

The other pair of socks that was calling my name are some plain vanilla stockinette socks made with Tofutsies. I've seen some comentary on the yarn over the past week or so, but don't agree with those who don't care for it. I guess it's all just a matter of taste, but I find the colors fun not ugly. I wonder what type of needles those who find the yarn too splitty are using. I'm not having trouble with splitting so far, and am knitting mine using rosewood dpns from Lantern Moon. Maybe since these needles don't have too sharp a point I am having more success than some.

I am just about to outgrow my sock drawer. Any other knitters having that problem?? What is your solution?
Even with the 52 pair sock KAL, I doubt you'll have to worry about falling behind on the SAM KAL! lol. The Rusted Root pattern is a very quick knit. It's from the Zephyr Style patterns, same as Wicked and Green Gable. Looking forward to seeing yours.