Speaking of the Hidden Passion socks .....
A fair amount of progress since I put them down last night. I'm just about 1/2 way through the leg pattern. I think I might even finish these before going to bed tonight. Depends on how much time I spend here in blogland.

I was originally going to start a couple pair of boot socks for anyairman.com next, but I think I might do some baby socks as quick projects so I have more time to devote to the sweaters I have on the needles.
I haven't posted about progress on Mermaid in awhile, but there's not a whole lot to post about. I still have about 6 more rows and the i-cord edging to do before I'm finished with the body. That little burst of spring we had in Ohio dampened my exuberance in finishing her. No hurry if I can't wear her right?
Instead, I cast on for another sweater, which I can wear until it gets cold again. Of course, right after I cast it on the weather turned and it got downright stupid cold again. It was colder here on Easter than it was on Christmas. Isn't that crazy??
Again in this project we see the pink. Hot pink, bright magenta, and hyacinth purple.

Susan asked if this was being knit in one piece, and asked the same about the Cropped Lace Top I did last month (also in pink *sigh*)
Yes, the tank is being knit in the round, but the pattern isn't written that way. When I first cast on, I did like the instructions said, but didn't like the stripes I was getting. I re-cast on in the round and like it much much better now. As for the Cropped Lace top, I followed the pattern for that and knit it in pieces. The seaming was a pain since it was feather light mohair, but I suffered the pain of it for the final product.
Way back when, Kamala asked what size Bell Sleeve Jacket I had knit. I did the smallest size, which I believe was a 28-30. I am a 32, but with this stretchy ribbed sweater, I wanted a bit of negative ease to show off the cabling. Something for those planning to knit this project to think about.
Natalie mentioned that my glove (when not complete yet) was still further along than hers, and she had been working on hers for 1 1/2 years.
Dear, don't despair. Did you take note of the amount of time I had to knit to complete the afghan from hell aka The Husband Blankie? It was in it's 3rd year before I finally cast off. And, I'm ashamed to admit, Paul has been using it all winter and I still haven't woven in the ends LOL!!
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