And, I'm here to let you know that ......
The rumors that I purchased one skein too many and Paul finally did me in and buried me in the backyard are simply not true!!
ROFL I think I scared the bejeezus out of a few IRL friends. When they hadn't seen me blog for quite some time, and hadn't seen me at any knit groups (work sucks for keeping up with social knitting when the group usually meets during work hours), they decided it was time to call me up and set a knit date for a weekend. Unbeknownst to them, Paul and I had disconnected our home phone since the only calls that seemed to come in were the hang up calls in the wee hours of the night when we were trying to sleep. Poor things had all kinds of scenarios running rampant about what had happened to me. Once they finally got hold of me on my cell and arranged a time for us to get together, we all had a good laugh about the rumors.
I will 'fess up now and let you know that I have not been doing much knitting since my trip in December. I know!!! **gasp** Delana is not knitting her little heart out like a fiend. Instead, she's had her nose buried in a computer game with her hubby since the beginning of January and has finished precious little knitting since then. The game is starting to lose it's obsessive "newness" and I'm getting the knitting bug back again, so you'll be seeing more of me here from now on.
I had this great list of New Year's Knitting Resolutions, but never did get around to posting them. Just for shits and giggles (sorry if the mild profanity offends, but I use it from time to time *shrug*) let's take a look at that list ....
1. After taking stock of the condition of my craft room, I decided that I would not purchase yarn (with two exceptions) in 2008 until I had knit a good portion of the projects I have already purchased yarn for and have not even started. Some I had even forgotten about until I started digging around. The two exceptions are: purchases of yarn for small projects from yarn shops found during trips is allowed, as I like to make something that reminds me of the trip when I use it; purchases of yarn for dishcloths for the monthly dishcloth kal is allowed.
2. I will knit each pattern for the monthly dishcloth kal in 2008 and not fall behind, then never knit patterns like I have the past 2 years.
3. I will be better about blogging (LOL killed this one already didn't I?)
4. I will be better about commenting on blogs that I read (Ummmm pretty much killed this one too)
5. I will be reasonable about my monthly goal setting. I got too optimistic in 2007, then quit setting the goals because I wasn't meeting them.
So, where do we stand? It is February 14 and this is my first post of the year (kill #3). It is February 14 and I have 1000 unread blog posts in my bloglines account (kill #4). It is February 14 and even though I was reasonable with my January knitting goal, I only finished the 3rd of 4 objectives last night (kill #5). It is February 14 and I am ready to cast on the 2nd of February's dishcloths (yea!! I am fulfilling #2) It is February 14 and the only yarn I have purchased is all the colors suggested for the 2008 monthly dishcloth kal (yea!!! I am fulfilling #1)
Not too shabby considering I can fix the ones I've not kept up with, all in all.
Now for a few photos that I've had on the camera for about 6 weeks that need to be posted.

Several dishcloths finished.

Wove in the final ends on the Annemor #11 gloves last night.

Finally finished up the Leg Cozies for Jenn (these were actually done just before X-mas).

Finished the hat for Paul with the yarn he chose in Texas.

Love love love these gloves. I finished them up just after X-mas. All the ladies at work keep threatening to steal these.

Very fuzzy photo, but get a load of that halo. Gotta love 100% angora!!
I promise to blog tomorrow about what my January goals were, what my February goals are, and where I stand on them. Plus, I'll pull out the projects in question and post some in progress photos.
I think this winter has seen a lot of extended blogging breaks. Beautiful knitting though, while you were away - the mittens, the gloves, the leg cozies - to die for!
ReplyDeleteBut I gotta know: what game were you sucked in to for so long? : )
Oooh, those gloves are sweet! And the leg warmers ;) too hot! Yeah!