I had originally thought to leave it be until this weekend, but yesterday at work I couldn't get the problem off my mind. With the help of Google to refresh my memory on my junior high geometry, I believe I will have something that will now fit. Cross your fingers, chant, pray, or do whatever it is you happen to do, to help me get my knitting mojo back!

The good knitting news is that I have almost finished with the first Norwegian Snail Mitten. I am so pleased with how this turned out. The color choices worked well I think.

Just a bit more knitting to do on the thumb, then the duplicate stitching, and this baby will be ready for blocking.
I did do some work on the Lowry Pullover this week. Not a lot, but enough to be able to get a better photo of the multitudes of cables.

Not a whole lot to post tonight. Still a bit bummed about that Russian Coat fiasco. Hardest part about the whole thing is I usually treat myself to a nice new yarn purchase when something like this happens, but there's that whole resolution thing now :o( This will be quite a test of my willpower!
Ahh! I'm so sorry! But your snail mittens are fantastic.