*J* got herself a Ravelry account while I was there and last week she started a group for crocheted purses. How could I not join? All I had to do was find a purse or bag that was crocheted, I liked, and I had the yarn for. I found a great bag using Ravelry's pattern finder that I felt would look great in some Bernat Handicrafter cotton I had in the stash for dishcloths. Once finished, I plan to put a nice lining in it and use it to tote my projects around in. The construction for the bag is unique. I'm half done with the granny squares and it looks like a giant L right now.

The next crochet project I started is the Santa Fe Shawl from Interweave Crochet Summer 2008. I love the construction of this shawl! Each motif is simple to construct and attaching them together is a breeze. Although this is a shawl, the photo in the magazine made it look more like an asymetrical poncho. I think I may connect the ends together to achieve the same look when I'm done.

Of course, crocheting isn't all I've been doing. I've done a fair amount of knitting this past week too. As if I didn't have enough going on, I decided to cast on yet another project. Below is Eerie from Rowan 43. The pattern is very easy to memorize and it's done in only 2 pieces. Stitches are cast on to construct the sleeves so there will only be 2 seams once complete. I can't wait to get this sweater done. The Kidsilk Haze is a dream to work with.

I've just about completed the front for Granite too. Just have to do the neck and shoulder shaping on the left side.

That Kidsilk Haze looks like it works great with that pattern. I really like your color choice, too!