Eerie has been holding my attention lately, and by all rights should be my next FO. I am almost done with the sleeve increases, and am about to start on the neck shaping for the front. Unless some other project takes my fancy this could be finished up by Friday. I certainly hope so, as I bought some great striped fabric for a skirt and I think this will go great with it.

The Moorish Stripe sock just about did me in last night. I worked an eye of partridge heel flap, and turned the heel. Next came the sole pattern and gusset decreases. The way this pattern is written just makes it so confusing to follow. Or, maybe it's just me. Anyway, I screwed it up at least 4 times before finally getting the pattern set. So all I have to show for an evening's worth of knitting is 3 rounds of sole pattern LOL. Now that the pattern is set, I'll hopefully be able to finish this sock stress free.

My craft room has become too full of knitting patterns, yarn, supplies, etc., and wasn't very conducive to sewing anymore. Hence, all the patterns and fabric I purchased many months ago have just been sitting neglected and ignored. Saturday afternoon I took the table apart, dragged it upstairs, and set myself up a sewing area in our familyroom/office. Hopefully this weekend Paul can install a light fixture above the table for me. A bit difficult to sew with the poor lighting in that room. I like my area so much, I actually finished an outfit. I put the final touches on the 2 pieces tonight.

The blouse is a bit too low cut for my body type, so a cami is a necessity. I'm not super happy with the neckline. I played with the rolled hem on my serger and probably should have done some more adjusting on the differential feed. It's a tad bit wavy, but will have to do.
I had some problems with both the sewing machine and serger making this outfit, and got it in my head that I wanted to replace both. The sewing machine is 20 years old, and the serger is 15 years old. Both are pretty basic machines and I received them as Xmas gifts. I don't know the price paid, but knowing my ex neither cost more than $300. I had quite the rude awakening when I was pricing new machines. Nobody can say that I don't have champagne taste, since the serger and sewing machine I am drooling over currently cost $2500 and $8100 respectively!! Holy cow! I'd have to take out a second mortgage to replace what I have. The serger is a no brainer even with the hefty pricetag. 90% of my sewing is done on the serger and I really want the features the new one offers. That will be replaced first. The sewing machine on the other hand will probably just be a dream.
The sweater is going to be beautiful. It's kind of nice to hear I'm not the only one who does a lot of un-knitting! Good luck on the new machines -- you work hard and ought to get those nice shiny new machines.