Let's see if I can remedy that tonight.
Kellistarr left a comment just gushing praise on me. I literally blushed reading it. She called me amazing and a dynamo. And, she said she noticed in the background of some of my photos that my house was clean LOL. Little does she know that I frantically pick up just before the photos are taken. I have 3 grown (20-24) kids living in my house who act like they're 4 years old and can't pick up behind themselves. I'd get no knitting done at all if I actually tried to keep the house as clean as I'd like it to be. That would be why all my knitting is in my bedroom. The one room in the house I don't have to worry about kids trashing. I practically live in that room. As a matter of fact, the biggest television in our house lives in our bedroom. How nuts are we to have a 42" flat panel tv on the wall of the bedroom??
She also asked what yarn I was using to knit the Roped Shell tank in. I am using GGH Silk. It's a bit splitty to work with, but so soft and luscious it's worth the trouble.
Stefaneener told me to quit worrying about how many projects I start. Her advice? Figure out a way that all the WIPs don't drive me crazy and just enjoy the experience. She's right. I'm going to quit stressing and just enjoy. That comment is the reason I didn't feel guilty one lick starting the new crochet tunic. Or, starting the crochet handbag the other night LOL. Photos of that in a future post. It will probably be done before I take one since it's such a quick to finish project. She also mentioned that she is envious of my crochet skills and says that hers are very much rudimentary. So were mine at one time. A word of advice for you Stefani, just pick out a small project and crochet away. You'll be doing tunics in no time. A nice thing about crocheting - a lot of people I know who can both crochet and knit say they crochet much faster than they knit. I know I do!
Susan liked the dress I sewed up last week. I tried emailing you Susan, but I'm not sure if it will get to you, since I couldn't find an email address, and made a guess at one LOL. The pattern is Butterick 4789. It would be a great project for you to get into the apparel sewing with. No zippers, no buttonholes, no collar or cuffs. Just 4 pieces, 6 seams, and a few narrow hems. Instant gratification.
Not so much for instant gratification are the Moorish Stripe Socks. I usually knit fairisle socks lickety split, but for some reason (the siren's call of the new crochet tunic perhaps?) I am just slogging away on this pair. Maybe the 2 week break from them while I work on my UFOlympics projects will get me back in the mood to knit them.

This weekend I pulled out the Feather and Fan Throw again. Sometimes you just need a quick knit on big needles. I'm hoping to be at the halfway point by this Friday when the Olympics start.

I tried to post these photos last night, but Blogger wasn't cooperating with me. After I did some work on it last night, this was the state of the China Doll crochet tunic. This is working up so quick I might have it done in the next couple of nights. After last night's work, it is now done to just below the bustline and I am starting on the waistline decreases tonight.

I'm thinking I might have to find some nice silky oriental print fabric to make a sheath dress to wear under it.
I did get your email and even responded. Thanks for the tips. I will take a stab at that pattern.