Earlier in the week I finished the needle felted pot holder. Although I am pretty pleased with my first foray into needle felting, the obvious spiral look of the apple bothers me a bit. I tried asking in the KAL group if this was normal or if I was doing something wrong. LOL the answer to that question was more like an advertisement for the called for yarn in the pattern we will be doing than any actual help on the matter at hand. I guess I'm on my own! It doesn't look as fuzzy now since I got some batteries for the sweater shaver and defuzzed it.

Last night while rewatching Heroes season 1, I finished up the Tissue Tote I crocheted for my Great Knitted Purse Swap partner. Hey the purse needs to be knitted, but nobody said anything about crocheted goodies to go into it :o) Jen wants something like this now to keep her makeup in. Guess what got added to my Ravelry queue last night? Yep, a gazillion and one cosmetic pouch patterns.

Yesterday afternoon I finally finished the #$@%#$ picot bind off on the Flickering Flames Skirt. It was finished blocking early in the evening and I can't wait to wear it to work! This one just seemed to go on and on and on and on. No matter how much I knit on it, it never seemed to gain any length.

And guess what I spent today finishing? WOOHOO the Russian Coat is finally off the needles! If you recall many months ago, I threw this thing in the craft room when the second skirt I knit turned out not too wide for the bodice, but not wide enough and too short. Bound and determined not to let this thing get the best of me, I refused to knit yet another skirt. Instead, I knit a ribbed waistband to both lenthen the coat and connect the mismatched pieces. I started with a k2 p3 at the bodice, decreased to k2 p2 for most of the waistband, then finally decreased to k2 p1 for the last inch or so. I can't believe something finally worked!

Now I can't wait for it to get cool enough to wear it. I deserve it after all that work :o)
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