Saturday, January 21, 2012


I don't normally make New Year's resolutions, but this year I made a couple.

In 2012 I resolve to:

  • Finish 2 existing WIPs before starting something new (this was aimed specifically towards my seemingly never ending list of knit and crochet projects)
  • Learn a new craft (I am currently saving up to buy a loom so I can start weaving my own kitchen towels)
  • Turn the TV off and read more often ("read" includes listening to audio books while I work on my craft projects)
  • Find ways to save money and use more natural products
So far (yeah, I know 2012 is only 3 weeks old, but still) I am doing pretty good on all counts.

I have finished 3 of my WIPs, and although I did start a new knitting project, I decided I didn't really like it and frogged it.  I plan to make scarves for the kids and their SOs for Christmas this year and I've finished the first for one of the guys.  Don't look at me like that, I'm not insane.  Although not a New Year's resolution, I did promise myself to be finished with Christmas crafting early in 2012 so I'm not stressed and can enjoy the holiday.

I'm also doing my own version of Project 333.  I have decided that accessories like shawls/scarves do NOT count towards my 33 wardrobe items.  It is my way of making a basic black long-sleeved top go farther.  So, I finished up a shawl I've had on the needles for quite a few months.  I adore it!

And lastly, I finished up a beaded eyeglass case.  This thing is super heavy for such a small item.  It lives in my car and protects my sunglasses from scratches.  Lots more projects in the book this pattern came from that I intend to make.

So that takes care of the first item on my list.  I don't have the money yet for all the things I will need for weaving, especially since I don't plan to buy a tiny loom.  I want to be able to make some larger projects so I'm going to hold out for a loom 24" or larger.  I am looking at rigid heddle looms and not a floor loom.  No need to go overboard lol.  I've been doing some reading and following weaving groups on Ravelry, so I'm getting an idea what to expect when I get my tools.  Hopefully I can get started in April.

The reading is coming along too.  I have a goal of reading 24 books this year.  I recently finished "The Hunger Games", and am currently reading "Catching Fire", "One For The Money", and "A Clash of Kings".  Anyone else read several books at once?

I'm really excited about the last item.  I have always found these great ideas online about making your own this or that, but I've never attempted them.  That is going to change this year.  I got myself a Pinterest account to organize and save all those great ideas, and I will be trying them all.  I started off making my own laundry detergent.  Wish I had tried this years ago!  It may just be my mind playing tricks on me, but I swear my clothes feel softer now.  I will be saving a ton of money by using this, and I like the smell.  So simple and quick to make.

This week, I am making my own body scrub.  Review on that to come.

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