Monday, October 19, 2015

Change of Season, Change of Projects

I took a bit of time off this past week from working on quilting projects to work on some of the many other varied projects I currently have in the works.  I did do a bit of quilting however.  The October applique wall hanging and paisley pumpkin table topper are both finished and in the wash as I type this.  Photos of them displayed in their proper places hopefully tomorrow.

I've also pulled out some fabric that I've had sitting around for quite awhile and started a couple of tops for myself.  I haven't sewn clothes in many years, and should have chosen a fabric that would play a bit nicer than the one I did choose.  Oh well, even if my first effort doesn't come out looking the best, I'll still get some use out of it.  I'm making some pullover blouses with short flutter sleeves.  They will be nice to wear this time of year, when the weather can't decide if it's going to be cool or warm.  I also have a pattern for a simple cardigan.  I plan to make a few in different colors so I have something to throw over the short sleeve tops when it's needed.  The first blouse should be finished tomorrow, and if it passes as actual clothing, I should have a photo on Wednesday.

For some reason, when the weather starts to turn cool, I get in the mood to work on embroidery and cross stitch projects.  Not sure why, but it's been that way for the past several years.  The blog will be filled with cross stitchy goodness for awhile I do believe.

I finished the first of the little monthly cross stitch designs I'm working on.  I wish I had used a blue instead of purple for the words, but I like it all the same.  Next time I'm at Hobby Lobby, I'll look for frames for these.  I'm thinking distressed wood frames.  I really want the whole set of these, so I can display them on my sideboard and just change them out each month.

Once December was finished, I started on the January design.  It's not much to look at yet, but should work up pretty quickly.  I think these designs will be my Tuesday Skype project for the foreseeable future.

I pulled out some knitting projects too.  Worked on my bright red cardigan a bit this weekend.  I am in love with this pattern!  It works up fast, is easy to memorize, and really looks striking.  I'm really looking forward to having the finished cardigan.  Hope I don't get tired of this project and wind up shoving it to the back of the project closet!

I also pulled out a quick knit poncho I started awhile back.  Three more red stripes and two white to go.  Should have this done within a week.

I also broke down and started another huge cross stitch design I've been itching to get going.  The colors are beautiful in this piece.  No photo today, but tomorrow or day after I should be ready to blog about it.


  1. I get tired just looking al all you keep juggling in the project stash! Beautiful work. The red sweater pattern is pretty.

  2. one of my daughter's does stitch work too - nice work!
