Tuesday, February 9, 2016

New Frame and Stand

It's certainly nice to have a handy hubby around.  I've been struggling with my cross stitch using traditional hoops.  Those worked fine if I wasn't stitching using the parking method.  However, I found that parking was working out better for me.  Also, the projects I'm working on are rather large, and they were a bit cumbersome using a hoop.  The extra fabric kept getting in the way.

So Saturday morning I showed Paul some photos of nifty homemade stands using pvc, and asked him to build me a basic one.  So far it's working out great!  This cost about $20, plus a couple hours of his time.

My stitching is going much faster using this.  I've completed more than 1100 stitches on Basilisk in the past two days.  It's amazing to me to see what these look like when I take photos.  When I'm working on them, all I see is the individual stitches.  It's like seeing the pixels on the TV screen when you stand right up on it.

I've completed enough on Basilisk to not feel guilty working on a new project for an hour or so.  I'm doing a stitch along with a couple of friends and we're supposed to post progress photos every Friday on Facebook.  I thought this week's photo from me would only be of my supplies, but looks like I'll have some actual stitching done.

Can't wait to Amanda and Brandi's projects!


  1. I will need to show my daughter this frame - does it stay in one piece or can you take it apart easily to move to a different location or to put it away for the day if you aren't using it and it is in the way?
