Monday, August 31, 2015

Put It In A Bottle And Ship It On Down The Line

Stomp, stomp them grapes ... and make that wine.

Ok, so we didn't stomp them, and we didn't make wine.  Paul, however, did harvest all these bad boys the other day.  Then he removed them all from their stems and gave them a nice soak.

We wound up with a haul of just over 30 pounds of Concord grapes.  30 pounds!

 What do you do when you have 30 pounds of grapes?  Spend all day making jam, that's what!  This was just the first batch, which used about 10 pounds.  When all was said and done, we had 16- 1/2 pint jelly jars, and 10- 1 pint jars full of grape jam.  Good thing most of our neighbors have kids, because there's no way we can eat that much jam.

Last week I finished up the quilting on another of those nearly 2 decade old tops.  I never showed a photo of it because it looks really strange with all those blue marks on it.  I did some free motion quilting on this one.  It's a bit wobbly, but not too bad for a first effort.  I will hopefully have the binding completed today, then it can go in the wash, and have its picture taken for tomorrow's blog post.

I pulled out another of those old tops and got fabric for another border and backing/binding.  I think this one will be quilted in a spiral with the walking foot, like I did with the other interlocking rings top.  If all goes as planned, I should have this finished by the weekend, and another of these old quilts will be off the to-do shelf.

The next of the JoAnn BOM kit blocks went together without a problem, so I now have a cute little schoolhouse block to add to the pile.

The log cabin block, however ....

I was merrily sewing strips, when all of a sudden, my next strip was too long.  I checked the pattern, yep, this was the strip I was supposed to be using.  I double checked the photo on the package, yep, this was the strip I was supposed to be using.  Then I noticed that the strip I should sew after this one appeared to be the size I needed.  When I went back to the pattern, I noticed that in two spots on one side only, the order you sew the strips on was changed.

So, what you get in the bottom left corner is some kind of non-staggering weirdness.

And then, the best part, is that the final strip has this horrible defect.  I will have to trim this last round of strips down by almost 1/2" due to this.  This is what happens when we rely too much on machinery and take out human quality control.  Five more blocks to go.  I can't wait to see what they have in store for me! LOL


  1. That's a lot of jam!! 30 pounds!! Wow, that's a lot of grapes. Love how the quilts are turning out and wouldn't notice those issues if you didn't reveal them.

  2. Wow! You have been busy:). Love the quilt !
